The texts and the screenplay of the show have been written and developed, show after show, by Stefano Caserini and Francesca Cella. The music arrangements are made by Erminio Cella. The screenplay is acted by Stefano Caserini The music is performed at the piano by Erminio Cella. Video & pictures management, the production and direction are headed by Francesca Cella. Stefano Caserini is associated professor at University of Parma. He was adjunct professor of Mitigation of Climate Change at the Politecnico di Milano, where he is involved in researches on atmospheric pollution, life cycle assessment, municipal waste incinerator monitoring and greenhouse gas emission assessment and reduction. He also works as a consultant for private and public company in the fields of emission inventory, environmental impact assessment, air quality pollution and mitigation of climate change. Author of many scientific publications, is also involved in the dissemination of scientific knowledge on climate change. Stefano has published five books:"A qualcuno piace caldo" (here free download), "Guida alle leggende sul clima che cambia" (here), "Imparare dalle catastrofi" with Enrico Euli (here), "Aria pulita", "Il clima è (già) cambiato. Nove buone notizie sul cambiamento climatico" (here) e Sex & the Climate (here) , is founder and coordinator of the blog (one of the top blop on climate science in Italy), and is Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal "Ingegneria dell'Ambiente" (Engineering of the Environment). Erminio Cella is a jazz pianist, keyboardist, arranger, composer and teacher of jazz piano, harmony and computer-music. He has participated as a pianist and musical director in various theatrical performances. With his jazz trio he produced a CD "Spike". He wrote music, played and was music director in diverse theatre shows, for example "Novecento" and "Moby Dick". Francesca Cella has a master degree in computer science, is a cinephile and a graphic and audio-video processing expert.