History of atmospheric carbon dioxide from 800,000 years ago until January, 2022. (NOAA - Earth System Research Laboratory) A year in the life of Earth's CO2 (NASA Goddard Media Studios) Earth's global temperatures from 1880 to 2022 (NASA, Goddard Institute for Space Studies) Weekly Animation of Arctic Sea Ice Age with Graph of Ice Age By Area: 1984 - 2016 (NASA - Scientific Visualization Studio) Clouds over Europe (NASA - Scientific Visualization Studio) GEOS-5 Modeled Clouds at 5-km Resolution (Flat Map) (NASA - Scientific Visualization Studio) Global surface wind vector flow lines over sea surface temperature (NASA - Scientific Visualization Studio) Perpetual Ocean (NASA - Scientific Visualization Studio) Multi-scale Ultra-high Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (MUR) (NASA - Scientific Visualization Studio) What's causing global warming? (Carbon Brief) Simulating the transport of aerosols with GEOS-5 (NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office) Greenland Ice Flow (NASA - Scientific Visualization Studio) Bird's eye's view of a crack in the ICE ( NASA - Scientific Visualization Studio) Antarctic ice flow charted from space (NASA - Scientific Visualization Studio) Contribution of Antarctica to past and future sea-level rise (Robert M. DeConto, David Pollard) Tre scenari delle temperature globali (da 9 modelli CMIP5) Blue Marble (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) Air traffic (Zurich University of Applied Sciences). No excuse ( (Pubblicità Progresso - Mtv) Eyewitness footage of Typhoon Haiyan washing house away (Plan International)
Some like it hot (B.Wilder, 1959). Arrivo di un treno alla stazione di La Ciotat (A.&L. Lumière, 1896). Piazza Duomo, Milano (A. Lumière, 1896).
- from the movie "Some like it hot": Running Wild (A .H. Gibbs, J. Grey, L. Wood) Sugar Blues (A. Deutsch) Some Like It Hot (A. Deutsch) Randolph Street Rag (A. Deutsch) Sweet Georgia Brown (B. Bernie, M. Pinkard) I Wanna Be Loved By You (H. Stothart, H. Ruby) I"m Thru with Love (G. Kahn, M. Malneck, F. Livingston). - other songs: Waltz for Debby (B. Evans) Autumn Leaves (J. Kosma) How deep is the ocean (I. Berlin) Too Darn Hot (C. Porter) After you"ve gone (T. Layton) Stormy Weather (T. Koehler) Be my love (N. Brodzsky) Take The A-Train (B. Stayhorn) Spike (E. Cella) Looking Up (M. Petrucciani).
S. Caserini (2022) "Sex and the climate. Quello che nessuno vi ha ancora spiegato sui cambiamenti climatici", PeopleEdizioni S. Caserini (2016) "Il clima è (già) cambiato. 9 buone notizie sui cambiamenti climatici", Edizioni Ambiente S. Caserini (2009) "Guida alle leggende sul clima che cambia", Edizioni Ambiente S. Caserini (2008) "A Qualcuno Piace Caldo", Edizioni Ambiente. Qui il pdf gratuitamente scaricabile. J. Hansen (2009) "Tempeste", Edizioni Ambiente S. Žižek S. (2012) "Benvenuti in tempi interessanti", Ponte alle Grazie D. Jamieson (2014) "Reason in a dark time", Oxford University Press, Oxford 2014. H. Frankfurt (2005) "Stronzate - Un saggio filosofico", Rizzoli Editore N. Oreskes, E. Conway (2019) "Merchants of Doubt" Edizioni Ambiente J. Franzen (2020) "What If We Stopped Pretending?" Edizioni Einaudi
De Conto B., Pollard D. (2016) Contribution of Antarctica to past and future sea-level rise. Nature, 531, 591-597 Keeling C.D. (1960) The Concentration and Isotopic Abundances of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere. Tellus, 12, 200-203, Keeling C.D. (1970) Is carbon dioxide from fossil fuel changing man's environment? Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 114, 10-17. Rockstrom J. et al. (2017) A roadmap for rapid decarbonization. Emissions inevitably approach zero with a "carbon law". Science, 355, 1269.1271.